Search Results: "David Paleino"

8 February 2009

David Paleino: Wicd 1.5.9-1 uploaded to Debian: important news.

I've just uploaded wicd 1.5.9-1 to Debian/unstable. From this version onwards, to be able to use wicd-client to connect to the wicd daemon, you need to be part of the netdev system group.

2 February 2009

David Paleino: Git tips reloaded: [url "foo"]

I know the "git tips" meme is over, but I found this in git-fetch(1) and, as I find it extremely useful, I'm posting it. Just add these lines to your ~/.gitconfig:
[url "git+ssh://"]
insteadOf = alioth:
Then, if you need something from collab-maint, just use git clone alioth:collab-maint/repo.git , easy! Smile P.S.: I did not include my username in the URL because I have it set up in ~/.ssh/config. EDIT: the above line needs a "=", not a ":" after "insteadOf". Thanks to those commenting!

20 December 2008

David Paleino: Free software yes, free speech too!

Dear Julien, that proposal is not about censoring mails sent in by people. Think to it as that "karma" thing many sites have. And yes, I'm one of those in favour of such project. I'm a free software,speech guy, but just hate all the flames seen lately on -devel. We must find a way to stop that, or at least to control it. Again, it's not censorship, as I read it, all messages would go in. Citing:
I have also seen opinions that other "obvious" ways of addressing the issue,
such as moderation of the lists or a new organizational entity, which
would act as a list watchdog, is not the way to go, as it adds yet
another layer of bureacracy and raises the usual questions of choosing
the "right" people for the privileged position.
It's just an alternative way of expressing opinions about a mail. Consider it as those "+1"/"-1" mails that you can often see.

28 November 2008

David Paleino: First post on Planet

This is my first post on Planet. Great day! Here's a presentation of myself. I'm David Paleino, I'm 21 and studying Odontology in Palermo, Italy. Yes, I'm Italian. Some might know me because of my past "key-signing problems": that was a big issue, indeed. Anyway. I've started contributing to Debian some time ago, initially in pkg-perl team. Then I joined debian-med, and I'm still in that team. Being a dentist in future, I wanted to help the "medical" section of Debian, even though there isn't any software I could use in my future work. I'll work on that, eventually. I've developed, together with Andreas Tille, Debian Med's website and "scripts": those are intended to be used also for other Debian Blends (formerly CDDs). Now I'm also active in pkg-mono: I'm helping in the transition to Mono 2.0, and that's a big task. I also maintain some packages, even some more or less popular ones (gthumb, john, gnome-rdp, bash-completion). I'm concerned with Free Software also outside Debian-specific work: I help my LUG (SputniX) in organizing various FOSS-related events. Incidentally, tomorrow there's the LinuxMeeting, and on Sunday we have JavaDay. Everyone's welcome! I definitely hope I won't annoy you too much with my posts!

